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Short Breaks allow you to take either a 3 day weekend break or a 4 day midweek break.

You can combine a short break with a one week trip to make a 10 day trip which allows you plenty of time to explore both Edinbugh and Glasgow on the one holiday.

Contact the Operators opposite via their websites to order a brochure, or in some cases view their brochure online right now!

Canal Boat Operators

There are three Canal Boat holiday Operators based at The Falkirk Wheel giving perfect access to all sections of this beautifully restored trans-Scotland waterway.

ABC Boat Hire

ABC Boat Hire, canal and narrowboat holidays in Scotland

Tel: 0330 3330 590 (local rate)

capercaille cruisers, Falkirk Scotland Click here to visit their website.

Black Prince Narrowboat Holidays

Black Prince Narrowboat Holidays

Tel: 01527 575115

capercaille cruisers, Falkirk Scotland Click here to visit their website.

Marine Cruises Canal Holidays

Tel: 01244 373911

Marince Cruises, Falkirk Scotland Click here to visit their website